Spring has sprung in NYC and everyone’s mood has been lifted. It’s something about seeing the sun shining through your window onto your skin that sits well with me. With this whole pandemic lasting a whole year now, it’s great to feel a little bit normal like pre-covid times. Although I won’t be dining in restaurants or traveling to another country any time soon, I’ll be taking lots of walks and getting as much fresh air (cautiously) as possible. What’s your spring plans (that’s if you have any)? Share them in the comments.

I’ve realized I haven’t been putting much energy into my blog like I used to. I mean, I didn’t even renew my blog subscription this year and I only realized it last week. My life has been BUSY OKAY, so I need to give myself credit for bringing a whole baby into the world. Yes baby girl has ARRIVED! It’s so crazy because I should’ve been wrote up a blog post to fill you guys in and share my experiences and things I’m learning so far. In due time I will get around to it. If your’e NEW here, welcome! I had a baby during a pandemic. She is healthy, beautiful, full of personality and I’m obsessed with her little face. She was born on January 18, 2021, 3 days earlier than her due date. In case you were wondering, I did film my birth story! Here’s the LINKS for both part 1 & 2. Enjoy + subscribe to my youtube channel!

My Birth Story: Labor & Delivery Part One

My Birth Story: Labor & Delivery Part Two *lengthy but worth it, trust me*

Okay guys, back to the title of this post “Spring has sprung into lessons to share” and why I chose it. So I’ve been learning life lessons since this pandemic started last year March 2020 and I wanted to share it with you all. I’m so grateful for them and the clarity it has brought to my life.

  1. Making the decision to forgive and still not feel any different. This was a big one for me because I consciously and intentionally would forgive people, but still feel the same feelings. What I had to realize was that I have to let God do the rest and heal my emotions. My devotional I read called “Promises for your everyday life” by Joyce Meyers has really given me prospective on this.
  2. Pray until something happens Pray for something once and wait for God to answer. We often pray for things and keep praying for that same thing over and over. No, pray once and let God do the rest. He heard it the first time and he’s working on His time.
  3. I’ve learned and I’m still learning the importance of being content in every situation life throws at me. This means being okay if you don’t get the job, get laid of that job, lost a friend/family member, missed out on a brand deal, didn’t get chosen for a position etc. I’ve learned that choosing contentment in my every day can bring about real peace and happiness. Letting go of that burden and leveling up to a fearless way of life.
  4. Comparison is definitely the ultimate thief of joy. I’m not a person who compares themselves to others, but last year I was at a point where I found myself comparing my situation to others. That was a complete shift for me and I guess being pregnant (my early pregnancy stages) brought some negative thoughts on giving birth. That was before I was fully educated on giving birth…
  5. This leads me to #5 lesson which is Education is the key to understanding, knowing and doing. If it wasn’t thanks to my husband and I getting doulas and taking birth classes, those fears of birth would have never been subsided. I learned to always educate myself on things before completely judging it.
  6. Life won’t always give you roses, sometimes you get thorns. That’s a hard lesson to learn, especially being a Christian. As christians we (me) often times you think nothing bad or trials won’t come walking your way, but that’s a lie that needs to be chopped by it’s roots. Things will happen, thorns will grow, but what counts is how you handle it. Giving up isn’t an option with christ.

I hope these lessons I learned has helped you in some way. I just wanted to share things I’ve overcame in case you may be going through something similar. Remember that life is like a plant, water it and it’ll grow, but leave it dry and it will dwindle right before your eyes. Keep nourishing and feeding your souls. Live a life of love, joy, happiness & growth. -MJ

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