2 year blogversary: some truths.

Hello, my loves!

Welcome to KUWMJ! This week is very special to me because I am celebrating two years since I started/launched Keeping Up With MJ to the public. This is super exciting for me because I honestly never thought I would be a blogger and love it so much! I know what you’re thinking, two years it should already have set in…but no it’s still fresh to me! So today’s post I decided to share with you guys some of my truths about being a part-time blogger. It’s only right that I let you in my head once again! Stay with me til the end of this post because I have something up my sleeve!

Blogging truths

Being a blogger is HARD.

— You’re literally your own photographer (the majority of the time), you have to come up with topics that are interesting for your readers (I mean for me it’s whatever I’m feeling), you have to be honest, REAL and VULNERABLE. Okay, let’s discuss that part right there. You have to be honest, real and vulnerable. This is what keeps your readers coming back. I think about this all the time because when I decide to read something it has to be interesting, real and I have to feel connected. At times I feel like “I can write this, it’s okay” and other times I’m like “Omg, I hope I’m not judged for being this REAL”. To each his own!

A lesson I’ve learned and I’m continuously learning is that you’ll get what you put out. If you’re genuine and passionate about what you write, your readers will rock with you. My love for writing alone is my passion, so I have no doubt that people can relate.

Blogging gives you freedom.

— I feel like have all the power right at my fingertips. I literally come up with the majority of my posts the night before or the day of. No lie. That’s just what works for me. Some people plan out blog posts (recommended if you’re not like me) and schedule when they will post, but for me that never works. To be honest, all throughout college I have been writing papers the night before it’s due, so what makes y’all think I’d be any different with my blog postings? haha. This is what works for me. Although, as a future teacher I have to get super organized so maybe at my next blogversary I’d be testifying about that!

You may get discouraged.

— To be honest, I think every blogger has been here. You get a bit discouraged when you run out of ideas for your posts or you see some other blog and start comparing. RULE #1: Do not compare and do not change your style of blogging for anyone. Be yourself. You may get discouraged at first, but find your niche and stick to that. Once that is done you’ll have the right following and support.

The blogging community is pretty supportive.

— I never thought that I’d meet so many new people virtually before. Honestly, through twitter’s blogging chats and other outlets, I have discovered so like-minded bloggers and the support has been real. I remember when I first started there was this blogger who I met on twitter who literally helped me with some tips and tricks for fixing up my blog. I think that was so nice of her to do because she literally did not have too. And here I am getting asked questions from new bloggers, what I use to ask when I started. It’s a blessing to help and as bloggers, we have to support each other. It’s a beautiful thing.

It’s literally fun.

— The amount of love I receive is unexplainable. The amount of annoying emails I receive is unbearable (lol). The amount of opportunities I’ve recently received is promising. The amount of photos I have taken is ridiculous. The amount of criticism I’ve gotten is…wait…haven’t gotten any actually. The amount of people that have told me I’ve inspired them is amazing. The amount of photoshoots I’ve done is literally my favorite part. I just love pictures y’all…BUT, overall…I love everything about my journey.


In honor of my blog’s two-year bloversary, I’ve decided to throw a GIVEAWAY of beauty products! All you have to do is follow the rules and you might be the lucky winner! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PRIZE & RULES!


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