Glossier’s lash slick!

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I hope you are having a FAN-TAB-ULOUS week! Guess what? Cheers to the loooong weekend! I know I have been MIA with new blog posts, but it’s graduation season, so life has been super hectic.

Today’s blog post is dedicated to the new and FIRST mascara from glossier. I mean…it was about time! I have been doing glossier tips and recommendation videos all month on my INSTA-stories trying to get everyone in on how dope glossier actually is through LIVE content. However, if you missed anything…you can click HERE and check out my past stories to catch up!

Now let’s get into the main course.

GLOSSY GANG, GLOSSY GANG. Let me re-introduce to my new readers who are clueless about GLOSSIER what it actually is. Glossier is a company that centers around Y(OUR) skin. They have beauty, makeup, and skincare products…along with fragrances! If you’re looking for makeup that’s really lightweight, try glossier. Like I stressed in my insta-stories, glossier makeup products were made to enhance our natural skin because they want us to love the skin we are in. That alone should have gotten you interested!


Let me tell you an honest review about the new LASH SLICK! Fun fact: Many people cannot say lash slick 5x…including myself hahaha! 

Here’s a funny video applying lash slick…The struggle is real putting on mascara on camera! I also applied Glossier’s LIDSTAR, but I’ll save that video for another day hahaha!


—It made my lashes appear to be longer. I’m always looking for a mascara that enhances and lengthens my lashes, so this was a plus for me!

—It is an everyday mascara.

—The wand honeeeyyy! It was made specifically to endure ALL types of stubborn lashes! Hahaha. No seriously…check out glossier’s story behind how they chose the wand.

—BONUS: Best part is that it has an easy to remove formula that all girls loveeeee and want. Coming home after a long day and being able to get your mascara off easily? Please swing that mascara my way!

—It’s only $16 bucks!


—It requires two coats for serious “LOOK AT ME” vibes. It’s almost a ‘barely there’ type of mascara with one coat!

—It feels super light like nothing is in there, but that’s minor.

—I may need to buy another soon because I use it so often! Hahaha.

Try it out.

Give it a go.

Test it for yourself.

I’m just giving you guys my honest opinion on it.

Hope it helped!


Thanks for stopping by! xoxox MJ.

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