bye bye comfort zones.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is never an easy task, then again taking any step onto an new path is scary.
Should that stop us?
Should we be so afraid or caught up in what seems familiar that we X out every other possible new venture?
In case you do not know the answer, it’s “NO“.
We cannot allow ourselves to lose out on something that may be better for us.
Often times I get nervous, anxious, “uncomfortable” and sometimes afraid of trying new things…
A perfect example is this photo:Processed with VSCO with v5 preset Processed with VSCO with a4 presetI’m so use to posing in my photos a certain way that I felt “weird” when my bf directed me to try a different pose.
What I did not know then was that it looked pretty good, it was something new, something different and I loved it.
In life we have to challenge ourselves by taking risks.
We have to be able to push through the barriers and the boundaries set by our own self.

Within our comfort zones these are the things that are repetitive:
* A consistent and steady “regular/mediocre” performance.
* A tendency to hold yourself back (when we get too comfortable) and a disregard for trying to get to that other level or feel discomfort.
* An attitude where you’d rather back down, that strive to win.
* Constant walls are put up to block out change.
Who wants to live this way?
{Ponder on that for a second. If you want to know what stepping out your comfort zone does for you, keep reading.}

Awesome things happen when we step out of it.
The Benefits:
* You can now achieve goals you never knew you thought you could, due to that push you gave yourself.
* Personal growth. Physical growth. Spiritual growth.
* Good anxiety. This helps us grow when we take certain risks.
* The fear of failure is not a hindrance on your new path.
* Empowerment/Power is now exercised.
* Fear, but fear that makes you want to try new things you aren’t use to.
* No “what ifs”, rather you then say “what’s next”.
* Less conformity and more opportunity.
{Remember that Conformity or the act of conforming is being in compliance with rules or to correspond with a form or manner. This you will do no more!}

Today I encourage you all to take that step onto uncomfortable grounds and see how much more of a stress-free, worry-free life you can live when you risk it and not kiss it. (“It”= anything that is holding you back!)

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