maintain a growth mindset.

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Happy Tuesday my lovely readers!

I do hope you are haven g a great week like I am. Today’s post encourages us to adopt, maintain and embrace a growth mindset. Some of you are probably like I have a growth mindset, but do you? Are you really join g through situations expecting positive outcomes and not getting them BUT still maintaining a positive attitude? Stick around as I go further…

I first learned about growth mindsets and fixed mindsets last semester through my student teaching experience from the principal of the school. She encouraged us teachers, leaders and role models to always strive to have growth mindsets because of the numerous benefits it not only offered ourselves, but the people (and students) around us. This left a long lasting impression on me.

What is a growth mindset?

In the simplest of terms, a growth mindset is open to change. Growth mindsets believe that challenges only produces growth.

A person with a growth mindset says:

“I can… improve, do it, be better if I tired harder”.

“I will keep pushing even when I want to throw the towel in.”

“I am not like that person, but I can improve myself in a positive way that benefits me.”

“Mistakes are only minor in the bigger picture of success.”

“I will try new things, even if it scares me.”

Positiveness radiates off of a person with a growth mindset, but that does not mean its super easy. It becomes challenging, but they keep going. I have been listening and reading a lot of inspirational things lately that have encouraged me to be a better person. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I begin to freak out, but there are so much different ways to encourage ourselves rather than be in the dumps about everything that have not been “good” in our lives.

Carol Dweck, wrote a book called “Mindset is the new psychology of success” and I’ve read an exert online briefly that gave me such motivation to always have a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. According to her book, people who have a fixed mindset avoid failure because losing or underperforming weakens his/or her confidence. WHAT? In other words a person with a fixed mindset rather GIVE UP BEFORE TRYING. Is that a mindset that you see yourself having sometimes? Do you often find yourself seeking validation from others? To be honest, we all have been guilty of this at least once in our lives. That is even more of a reason why it is okay to change our mindsets now.

I encourage us all to adopt the growth mindset, only if you want to see yourself move above the place or space you are in currently. God allows us to have certain experiences for our own good. We will not always see it instantly, but later down the line when we look back we then realize that it was because of the positive “growth” mindset we were able to make it through.

My life is not perfect. I’m pretty sure yours isn’t either, but we have so much opportunities now to change that. There are so many outlets that can help us become better than we are now. Often times we make excuses for why we have not done something we were suppose to do long ago, BUT it is never too late to keep striving. This week I made it my duty to change my mindset and get things done. I encourage you to do the same.

Here are some quick tips to maintaining a mindset:

“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

Outfit details: Two piece set- BooHoo, Shoes- Ego Official

If you have suggestions on other ways to stay on the path of a growth mindset, let me know in the comments your thoughts!

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