Beware of the snakes.


Photos by Cassy G.

Happy Tuesday y’all. I’m getting caught up posting on Tuesdays now, instead of Sundays but I hope this change didn’t throw you guys off! Bare with me. By the title of today’s post, I know that you’re a bit curious to read more to find out what I’m referring to…so in that case let’s get into it!

Always be aware.

the fake ones. the pretenders. the sneaky ones. the “fibbers”. the smile in your face, but talk behind your back. the fake supporters. the lookers. the envious.

Too many times we feed into the traps of what seemed good for us, not knowing it was all a facade. More and more I begin to see clearly what my grandmother and mother been warning us about when it comes to people who act like they want to see you succeed, but deep down they have that burning envy and false hope for you to not make it. I cannot stress enough how much of an importance it is for you to recognize who’s in your corner and who is not when it comes to climbing that ladder of reaching your goals. I feel like I say this somehow in every post I write, but when something is for you, nothing or no one can disrupt that. You’ll always win. I read something this weekend that said: “You have to know the difference between support and surveillance”.  How true is that statement? I mean, if you’re a social media butterfly, you know that the likes and comments and love come in flowing like a river constantly. However, not all love is actual love. Some people are there literally watching your every move, and staying silent. To be honest, in a way you should feel good because you’re so important, you have them coming back 24/7 watching, envying and admiring you! Haha, BUT on a serious note Y’all,

beware of the snakes.

Don’t get caught up. I’m at a point in life where my prayer to God is for him to eliminate what doesn’t help me evolve. If you are not with me 100% I’d rather you leave. There is literally no time to waste on things that don’t push us to be our best. Yes things, not just people can hold us back. Things like procrastination, doubts, fears…things we are all too familiar with can constantly stand in the way of us becoming who we want to be.

Remember: “When the grass is cut, the snakes will show”.

Outfit details featuring these brands:

Top- Bodysuit from BooHoo, Skirt- Amazon Fashion, Bag- Michael Kors, Shoes- (Leopard Print) Steve Madden

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