a new mindset.

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The need for having a new mindset when handling situations is so important.
Many times we find ourselves doing the same things over and over, hoping to have a different outcome, but..
HOW can you have a different outcome when repeatedly doing the same thing?
Simple: You can’t.
A new mindset will give you new results.
I have came to the conclusion that a new mindset does this:
1. It encourages growth.
2. It allow a person to understand his/or her abilities can be developed through learning (from his/or her mistakes), effort (trying to change) and perseverance (not giving up until that change is done).
What’s the point of having a “fixed” mindset and staying stagnant?
It’s time to change “our” thoughts and watch the words that we say.
Have you even accepted that something needs to be changed about your thinking?
Majority of the time we do not.
We tend to ignore and just say “yeah I have to change this about myself”, but never actually do it.
Change requires action. (I’ve learned that the hard way.)
When it comes to setting goals, changing habits, relationship/friendship issues going forward a new mindset is necessary.
Mindsets are often formed by our prior experiences and emotional milestones.
In order for growth to take place we must first do this:
Let go of our self doubt, bad attitudes, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and lastly our lack of motivation to do better.
This will only happen if we choose to take that step towards being on the right track.

Remember this: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

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