The Perfect SHELFIE + Staying Organized.

Hey, my loves! I hope you are having a great week so far! If you aren’t I hope this post makes you feel a little better. 

Today I wanted to show you guys my bathroom SHELFIE and why it’s important to have good skincare products in there, but before I jump in discussing that topic, I wanted to just give you a little bit of inspiration/motivation to take you throughout the week!

The importance of organization

So, let’s be real about staying organized because most of us say we are, but in reality, we are not. That doesn’t mean we are bad people, it just means we need to get our priorities in order so that we can up our organizational skills. I’m a person who loves order (as previously stated in my last post HERE), so this post means a lot to me. Here are some reasons why staying organized will benefit you:

If you don’t believe me, try organizing little bits and pieces of your life and watch how it will all come into play. I can attest to when one part of my life is in a worldwide of crazy, it fully affects the other parts of my life. Everything has to be sorted out. You know that saying, “Every action has a reaction”? Indeed it does. Some helpful tips:

Okay, now to the good stuff, MY SHELFIE.

I have always wanted to share my beauty products on my bathroom shelf, so since I moved into my new apartment with my husband I took the opportunity to do so. Here is my #shelfie, filled with SOME of my beauty/skincare products. I’ll attempt to list the brands here for you. The importance of having a perfect selfie is so that we, as woman can get to our skincare products really easily! We all know how hard it is to trust certain brands already when it comes to our skin, so being able to actually reach into our cabinets and get our products with no hassle is a GO GO! Tell me what you think of my shelfie in the comment section!

Product details:

What’s crazy y’all is that I still have more products + my MAKEUP PRODUCTS! Pray for my husbae, because he might get overwhelmed and throw away my stuff hahaha. Next time I’ll share with you guys my favorite makeup products! Be sure to use my glossier rep link for 10% off if you choose to purchase any of the glossier stuff mentioned!

Thanks for stopping by guys! xoxo MJ.

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