4 Years Later, Still Blogging.

Four years ago I started blogging and as I sit here and reflect on all I have learned, overcame, and accomplished I can only smile. By no means whatsoever do I consider myself to have reached the ‘ultimate blogger status’, because I am still learning new ways to grow and connect with my blog followers. If you are interested in becoming a blogger, I wrote a blog post with some tips to help you decide if it’s for you and what steps you should take first! The link to that post is right here: 5 Tips For Becoming A Blogger. I think every year I add under my belt one thing remains constant, and that thing I’m referring to is consistency. People will support you, but when they see that you are actually staying consistent in what you said you were going to do/or accomplish, it maes them more excited and intrigued to see what you have to offer.

It’s very easy to drown in this blogger/influencer pool. What I mean by that is, sometimes you feel like you are not putting out enough when you see bloggers with 10K followers and numerous partnerships with big time name brands. You begin to question what you’re doing wrong. That was my biggest downfall. I knew I could not belittle what I bring to the table by comparing my content with the bigger, more exposed bloggers. What I grew to understand was that everyone has a story of their journey and everyone has a time to shine. When I understood that, I began to flourish. Growing in numbers is not always gold, but growing and connecting is the GOAL. Recognizing that people love my content because they truly just knew my worth, allows me to reach that goal daily with no worries at all.

Honestly, four years went by so fast. I feel like I just launched my first blog post the other day. For those of you who want to know some things I advice from my own experience over the last 4 years, here they are:

Here’s a list of blog posts I’ve created that can be helpful:

Some blogging tools I’ve been using:

I grew to know that it is important to look at your analytics to see your stats on whether your post did good, what time people are on to look at your posts, are they interacting and so on. I will definitely be doing another blog post where I discuss these things more in-depth with you guys.

Why am I still blogging?

Just in case you were wondering… I’m still blogging because I love it. It’s my platform, my space to create and share what I have to offer you. My goal this year is to become more engaged with my audience and reach more people from my platforms. One reason I started my youtube channel was to do just that. Reaching a bigger and different audience helps me get myself more out there. It is never easy starting on a new platform, out of your comfort zone, but what I have learned is that taking that leap is the scariest part. Everything after that is BETTER. If you have not checked out my youtube channel and subscribed, I encourage you to do so! I’m aiming to reach 500 subscribes before APRIL is over. Support me!

Subscribe to My Youtube Channel HERE!

As always, thank you for following me on my journey as a blogger. I hope this post was helpful and thanks so much for stopping by! See you on the next post! XO MJ!

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