keep going.

They may not support you now, but keep on striving.
They may not believe in you now, but keep going.
They may not see the good in you, but ignore them and keep on going.

You may not always feel the love, but remember there is someone who loves you unconditionally.
You may feel like giving up, but remember that nobody likes a quitter.
You may feel down & out, but keep pushing forward…regardless.

Tell yourself today that it does not matter who or what is in the way of you reaching your goals, you can and you will be successful. You have to speak it into existence sometimes. Believe in you, believe that anything can be accomplished once you try your hardest. Failing IS AN OPTION. It’s only a stepping stone. Fail and try again. Failure isn’t something to be afraid of. “You live and you learn.” Mistakes are inevitable. Failure is inevitable. Majority of successful people had no supporters and they have failed a couple times so do not be discouraged. You CAN. You WILL.
Just keep on going. Keep on striving.

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