I Bring Me.

DSC07334 [PhotographerDuran Andrae. Hit him up!]

Hello my loves, thanks for stopping by! 

“What do you bring to the table?” I bring me!

How many times have you been questioned or even second guessed yourself in terms of what you bring to the table? Whether it’s at work, school or in a relationship/friendship, I probe you to never let anyone make you feel like you bring anything less than great to the table. It’s normal to have doubts or even fears when it comes to overcoming situations, however, that does not mean it’s the last stop for you. Today’s post is long overdue, but it’s good and you’re going to want to keep reading!

It’s no surprise that life is filled with great moments and memories, but what about the not so great ones? What about the times when we go through something that’s so terrible that you give up on the very thing that makes you, you… I’m here to say don’t. I’m literally speaking to myself in this post also because to be completely honest with you guys, sometimes I am at a level of low where I lose sight of the bigger picture. I lose sight of the very thing that makes me amazing and that makes me, me. I’m here to say understand your value, your worth. I know, it’s a bit cliche, however cliche or not it is relevant 24/7.

How do I realize what I bring to the table?

Some of you may wonder, some of you may already know and that’s good. Hear me out, I mean I’m not a guru or the wisest person in the world, but as I go through life I learn, grow and eventually share those findings/lessons. In my opinion, how to realize what you ‘bring to the table’, you have to be open and real with yourself. That is the absolute first step. You cannot give what you do not have. Ask yourself these questions: 1- What are my strengths? Weaknesses?, 2- How can I use them to grow and to help out someone else?, 3- What makes me who I am? (Not the things you have materialistically, go deeper with your self-talk). That’s step one. Next, you have to own it. Be so sure of you (well after you discovered everything answering the 3 questions that is) that nothing or no one can throw you off your game. I mean the surety like we have in math problems like “2+2=4”. That level. Then you can move on to step three. This step is very important y’all. NEVER, in any case, in any stage, no matter where you are in life APOLOGIZE FOR WHO YOU ARE. Period. Stop that before you even start. God made you the way you are for a reason. How can you change perfection? More importantly, how can you apologize for being perfectly you? It doesn’t add up. It never will. It is inevitable, people will either accept or deny you and that’s okay. Don’t give them satisfaction or power over your life.

LASTLY, #KUWMJ Graduate!

After completing steps 1-3, congratulations you are now a graduate of KUWMJ University for being who you are, knowing your worth and owning yourself. You cannot keep focusing on things/or people who won’t change their opinions about you. What you can do is accept your flaws, work on them and embrace what you can offer. It is an unpopular opinion to say “do you”, but DO YOU. If that job can’t see your worth leave it. If that man/or woman cannot understand who you are or cannot accept what you offer, leave them. 

Sometimes making the hardest decisions comes with the best results.

So the next time someone asks you what you bring to the table, make sure you say “I bring me”. That should be your first response because you know that YOU are that “it” factor. If anyone tells you differently, make your own table and on that table on allowing people who value you, your time and acknowledge that you are spectacular.

I heard this quote and I ran with it, “God will never take something away from you, without replacing it with something better.”

Outfit details— Sweater-ZARA, Turtleneck-Uniqlo, Jeans-Levis, Lace Bodysuit/Lingerie- True&Co., Shoes-ASOS, Bag-Aldos, Necklace-Kate Spade, THAT GLOW-Priceless!

Thanks for reading, enjoy your week! Stay motivated! xoxo, MJ.

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